Wanchi Crater Lake

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An extinct volcano, Mount Wanchi rises to 3,386m and the Afroalpine moorland of its upper slopes, studded with relict patches of natural forest, can be accessed along a 4×4 road connecting the towns of Ambo and Woliso. The densely cultivated caldera encloses a large and beautiful crater lake and the island Monastery of Wenchi Chirkos, founded in the 13th century by Tekle Haymanot, an Ethiopian saint recognized in foreign churches including in Egypt. In addition to boating across to the monastery, a local ecotourism association offers a selection of guided day hikes and pony treks ranging from the 4km Fincha Trail to the 16km Bagoba-Abagalalcha Trail, which follows the lakeshore before heading to the Dawala hot springs and waterfall. Only 10km to the east, Lake Dendi is nestled in a pair of near-circular 2km wide craters connected by a gap of only 100m in their shared rim.  

Getting there

Mount Wanchi is a wonderful day trip destination, especially for those with their own vehicles traveling from Addis Ababa. For others, visiting on Fridays and Sundays is recommended. Buses depart from Ambo in the north or Weliso in the south between 7:00 AM and 8:30 AM, heading towards the market at Haro Wanchi village where the Eco-tourism Association office is located. These buses typically return between 4:00 PM and 5:00 PM. Alternatively, a minibus with a driver can be hired in Ambo for a round trip.

Things to do

Explore the crater on foot or horseback – the Wanchi Eco-tourism Association can arrange horse rentals. A guide is compulsory. The 4km trek to the lake takes about 45 minutes on foot and over an hour to return. Horses can make the journey in half the time. Alternatively, if you have a 4WD vehicle, you can drive down. At the lake's edge, small boats ferry visitors across to the tiny island monastery of Cherkos. While the island primarily features a small church, you can inquire about seeing the large Gondar bell, once belonging to Emperor Fasiladas.

From Cherkos, boats continue to the far side of the lake, where a scenic four-to-five-hour hike begins. This scenic hike features grazing horses, streams, and historic water mills. The destination is a series of hot springs believed to possess magical healing properties. Caves in the surrounding area serve as shelters for pilgrims seeking relief from various ailments.

Getting around

Most visitors access the lake via private vehicle or guided tour. Upon arrival, travellers can explore the crater rim and lake through various means, including walking, horseback riding, or boat trips. Local guides, often provided by the area's tourism association, are readily available to enhance the visitor experience.


Accommodation options include hotels in both Ambo and Weliso. Alternatively, for a more adventurous experience, bring your own tent and enjoy camping by the lakeshore or within the surrounding forest.



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