<p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:justify;background:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:115%;font-family:'Times New Roman', serif;background:#FFFFFF;">Surma are people of Nilotic origin, similar to Mursi, who live on the western shore of the river Omo, at the border of the Omo Park. The itineraries we propose combine the trekking in this far region of Ethiopia with a journey by off road vehicles through the Keffa areas, Illubabor and Welega regions or with the more classic Mago Park and the Rift Valley. A journey in regions almost unknown to tourism: the coffee and the ancient Sidamo Kingdom region, the region of the subtropical wood and of the Nuer and Anuak tribes.</span></p>
The Tour Start at Bole International airport and end there.